You can donate by Bank transfer to: 

Nat West Bank

Sort Code: 60 14 55 

Account Number: 68210825

Please identify your payment as 'Festival Fundraiser'

Please spread the word among your friends.

Thank you!

Phoenix Rising:MK is a Community Interest Company (CIC), a not for profit organisation which exists for the benefit of the community rather than for private gain. 

Our work brings amazing positive changes to the disadvantaged people we support

As a CIC is very similar to a registered charity, we can apply for funding support from funding bodies as well as accept donations from members of the public, groups or businesses.

If you would like to make a donation to us it's very easy. There are three ways you can do this:

1. Use our LOCAL GIVING  webpage here:

Donation Start | Localgiving 

OR Make  a cheque payable to Phoenix Rising: MK and send to us at  

43 Mortons Fork,

MK13 0LA

OR Make a donation via bank transfer (BACS). Details below.

Nat West Bank

A/C: 68210825

Sort: 60 14 55

We acknowledge all donations that are made via cheque or BACS.

Any donation amount, small, medium or large is always a great help towards supporting us to maintain our service to adults with support needs.

We  are also looking for a sponsorship partner for mutually beneficial projects. If this sounds interesting to you please see our Sponsorship page